Monday, August 24, 2009


The other day, I found a screenplay I started writing in 2004. I wrote it for a class I took in college. As I recall, I was not fond of it at the time, but I had to write something as my grade depended on it.

I remember when I began forming the story I was so annoyed with it. It was turning into a chick flick. It is a chick flick. At the time, my “artsy indie” background was fighting the urge to continue to construct a tale of boy meets girl, boy and girl fall in love, boy and girl live happily ever after. But time was ticking and I had to keep writing.

Okay, I confess, I love the good romantic comedy from time to time. If that ‘time to time’ seems to be every week, then I guess I confess chick flicks might just have a little place in my heart. The story of quirky romance gets me every time. No wonder that’s the direction I started going as I constructed my own onscreen drama.

You know, reading my screenplay five years later, it really isn’t all that bad. I think the story line is pretty solid, the characters are developing quite nicely, and the 33 already written pages sure kept my attention. Maybe, oh maybe, I will just have to finish it.

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